With the participation and attendance of more than 70 students from legal experts from ministries and state institutions, in addition to a number of lawyers interested in the field of sports law, the Qatar Olympic Academy concluded the two-day "Sports Legislative Structure Development Program", which was held by the Academy in cooperation with the Legal Affairs Department of the Qatar Olympic Committee, as well as a research team consisting of elite law professors within a project funded by the Qatar National Research Fund.
The Sports Legislative Structure Development Program is considered one of the most important legal awareness programs in the sports field, which seeks to spread the legal culture in the sports field, in order to achieve outstanding sports results, which contribute to raising the flag of the State of Qatar in various regional, continental and international fields, which adds to the target group a lot of knowledge and clarifications on sports law, and how to deal with regulations and regulations correctly and professionally, and an understanding of all the relationships, concepts and objectives around it through sound legal perceptions.
The program included six seminars in various legal fields in sports and athletes, aimed at raising awareness in sports law to ensure the integrity of the legal organization, combating financial and administrative corruption, consolidating a culture of belonging and individual responsibility, building a culture of participation and increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of employees in the sports sector and athletes to serve the achievement of the strategic objectives of the sports sector.
The beginning was with a seminar on "Sports Administrative Organization" presented by Dr. Muhannad Noah, where he talked about the sports administrative organization at the level of the formation of sports administrative structures, and the relationship between administrative structures with each other, in addition to the relationship between administrative structures with the state on the basis that sports is an administrative public facility.
Then the seminar of "Administrative Control in the Sports Field" presented by Dr. Islam Shiha, in which he talked about the administrative control that can be implemented in the field of sports events, especially major sports events, then talked about maintaining public order with its various elements, within the venues of holding sports events, as well as the competent authorities to implement administrative control, and concluded the seminar with the methods used in the field of administrative control.
The seminars of the first day concluded with a seminar on "The use of sports doping between permissibility and criminalization", which was presented by Dr. Ahmed Samir, where he talked about the legal aspects related to the use of sports doping from a criminal point of view, the extent of criminalization of these behaviors and the order of criminal penalties for them, and the field of criminalization according to the criminal contribution, and according to the objective data of criminal acts. The seminar concluded with the possibility of extending criminal criminalization if the animal participating in the sports activity is affected by doping.
The lectures of the second day varied in different aspects from the first day, where the beginning was a seminar entitled "Criminal Law and Hosting Major Sports Events" presented by Dr. Khaled Al-Shammari, where he spoke about the role of criminal law in meeting the requirements of hosting major sports events, by explaining the types of acts that the law considered as crimes, in the exhibition of these events. In addition to the penalties applicable as stipulated by the legislator, which can affect the competitive and economic aspects of sporting events.
While Dr. Ahmed Sayed Mahmoud presented the second seminar, in which he spoke about "the problems of arbitration in the sports field", where he talked about the characteristics that distinguish arbitration in the sports field from general arbitration, and the adequacy of the texts currently in the Qatari legislative system to settle disputes through arbitration, and the legal issues involved in these texts, the most important of which is mandatory arbitration.
The seminar concluded with the topic of jurisdictional conflict that may arise between Qatar Sports Foundation and the Olympic Administrative Committees and within the CAS Sports Arbitration Federations and the Sports Court
While the third and final seminar was entitled "Investment and Governance in the Sports Field" presented by Dr. Shaker Mezoughi. In which he talked about aspects of administrative and economic work in the course of practicing various sports activities, compliance requirements, and the associated legal and economic relations. He then moved on to the legal rules related to this, the best practices to reach a sports work characterized by complete integrity, which is in line with the philosophy on which the sport was based in the first place, as well as legal issues related to sports investment, especially in the field of television broadcasting or broadcasting via the Internet of sports competitions, especially in terms of ownership of these rights, and concluded the seminar with the best legal mechanisms to put them into practice, taking into account the principle of freedom of media broadcasting of these competitions, and combating piracy and infringement of investment rights established in this area.
It is worth noting that the Academy will hold another course in the same legal field at the end of next February, where the role revolves around many important legal topics in the sports field, the most important of which are "the field of the legal system for the trading of sports doping, contracts for professional athletes, as well as commercial investment in the sports field, sports dispute resolution, in addition to the criminal aspects in the sports field.
أكثر الأخبار
ختام دورة دمج ذوي ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة في حصة التربية البدنية
الدوحة: اختتمت الاكاديمية الاولمبية القطرية اليوم الخميس دورة دمج ذوي ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة في حصة التربية البدنية، والتي تحرص الاكاديمية على تنظيمها ضمن سلسلة الدورات المتنوعة التي تطرحها في اجندتها السنوية، والتي تهم شريحة كبيرة من الشارع الرياضي نظراً لأهميتها في القطاع الرياضي والتعليمي والطبي والعملي على حد سواء، وكذلك للإقبال الكبير عليها من قبل المدربين الرياضيين والاحصائيين وكذلك مدرسي التربية الرياضية.
الاكاديمية الأولمبية القطرية تطرح دورة دمج ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة في حصة التربية البدنية
الدوحة: ضمن سلسلة الدورات المتنوعة التي تطرحها الاكاديمية الاولمبية القطرية في اجندتها السنوية والتي تهم الشارع الرياضي بصورة كبيرة، أعلنت الاكاديمية عن تنظيم دورة دمج ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة في حصة التربية البدنية خلال الفترة من العاشر ولغاية الرابع عشر من نوفمبر القادم.
خمسة وعشرين مشروعاً بحثياً في ختام دبلوم الإدارة الرياضية
الدوحة: اختتمت الأكاديمية الأولمبية القطرية يوم الخميس الماضي فعاليات الفصل السابع والأخير من برنامج دبلوم إدارة المؤسسات الرياضية الأولمبية والذي قدم فيه الدارسين مشاريع التخرج وابحاثهم الدراسية لهذا البرامج، الذي تقيمه الاكاديمية بنسخته الرابعة عشر بمشاركة كبيرة وواسعه من داخل دولة قطر وخارجها.