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In a pioneering initiative in the Gulf region and the Arab world, the Qatar Olympic Academy (QOA) successfully concluded a specialized training course titled "Effective Strategies for Sports Training for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)." The course took place from February 2 to February 6, 2025, in response to the growing demand for specialized programs aimed at enhancing the understanding of ASD and developing tailored sports training methods for individuals with this condition.

Meeting the Rising Demand for Specialized Training

The launch of this course follows the overwhelming success of the "Inclusion of People with Disabilities in Physical Education Classes" program, which the Academy conducted in November last year. That course garnered significant interest from professionals and specialists in the field, prompting QOA to introduce a more specialized course focused on ASD. This initiative makes QOA the first sports academy in the Gulf and the Arab world to offer such a specialized program.

This course is part of the diverse range of training programs offered by QOA as part of its 2025 agenda, which aims to enhance knowledge and expertise in the field of sports training.

Diverse Target Audience for Greater Sports Inclusion

The program was designed to benefit a broad spectrum of professionals, including:

  • Physical education teachers in schools and educational institutions.
  • Sports coaches in clubs and sports federations.
  • Specialists in physical therapy, occupational therapy, behavioral therapy, and vocational therapy.
  • Specialists supporting individuals with ASD through sports activities.
  • Parents seeking to develop skills to support their children in sports activities.

Key Topics Covered in the Course

The training course addressed several crucial topics, carefully structured to meet participants' needs and enhance their understanding of ASD and its integration into sports. The main themes included:

  1. Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD):
    • An overview of ASD, its symptoms, diagnosis, and its impact on individuals across different life stages.
    • Emphasizing the importance of a deep understanding of ASD for effective intervention.
  2. Adapting Sports Activities for Individuals with ASD:
    • How to modify sports activities to suit the needs and abilities of individuals with ASD.
    • Practical examples and training models applicable in various sports environments.
  3. Communication and Behavior Management in Sports Training:
    • Effective communication strategies with individuals with ASD.
    • Managing behavioral challenges that may arise during sports training.
    • Techniques to foster positive interaction between coaches and trainees.
  4. Sports Training Techniques for Individuals with ASD:
    • Innovative and research-based training techniques tailored for individuals with ASD.
    • Emphasis on maximizing the benefits of sports activities for individuals with ASD.
  5. Evaluation and Follow-Up:
    • The importance of continuous assessment of trainees with ASD.
    • Designing personalized training plans based on assessment outcomes.
    • Methods for monitoring progress and enhancing sports performance.

Course Instructor: A Leading Expert in the Field

The training was conducted by Professor Omar Hendawi, Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education at Hashemite University, Jordan, and President of the Jordanian Federation for People with Disabilities. Professor Hendawi is also a member of the West Asian Federation for People with Disabilities. With extensive experience in physical education and sports training for individuals with disabilities, he is widely recognized as a regional and international expert in the field.

Positive Feedback and Future Prospects

The course received widespread acclaim from participants, who praised the rich scientific content and practical application provided. Many attendees emphasized the importance of such programs in enhancing their skills and knowledge, enabling them to offer better support to individuals with ASD.

Future Steps and QOA’s Vision

The Qatar Olympic Academy is committed to continuing its efforts to offer specialized training courses focusing on disabilities and sports training. The Academy also plans to strengthen collaborations with local and international institutions to develop advanced training programs that improve the quality of life for individuals with disabilities through sports.

Executive Director’s Statement: A Commitment to Inclusion

Speaking at the course’s conclusion, Mr. Khalil Al-Jaber, Executive Director of the Qatar Olympic Academy, stated:

"We are immensely proud of the success of this course, which highlights the growing need for such specialized programs in the region. Recognizing the importance of inclusivity in all sectors of society, QOA introduced this course to foster a more aware and knowledgeable community capable of effectively integrating and supporting individuals with ASD. We are committed to pioneering educational initiatives that enhance inclusivity within the sports community. We thank all participants and experts who contributed to the success of this course and look forward to introducing more specialized programs that promote sports for all."

Professor Omar Hendawi: A Shared Vision for Inclusive Sports

Commenting on the training program, Professor Omar Hendawi, the lead instructor, said:

"I am honored to have participated in this pioneering and exceptional training course, which underscores the importance of offering specialized sports training programs for individuals with ASD. The Qatar Olympic Academy has become the first sports institution in the Gulf and the Arab world to introduce such a specialized program. Sports play a crucial role in enhancing the quality of life for individuals with ASD by improving their motor and social skills. Throughout the course, we witnessed tremendous enthusiasm from participants, reflecting the growing interest among sports and education professionals in developing their expertise in this field. I sincerely thank QOA for this opportunity and look forward to further collaboration in promoting inclusive sports."

With this initiative, the Qatar Olympic Academy reaffirms its leadership in the region in integrating individuals with ASD into sports, paving the way for a more inclusive and sustainable sports future.


أكثر الأخبار

الدبلوم 2025
27 فبراير 2025

انطلاق النسخة الـ15 من برنامج دبلوم الإدارة الرياضية

الدوحة: دشنت الاكاديمية الأولمبية القطرية النسخة الخامسة عشر من برنامج دبلوم الإدارة المُتقدم للمؤسسات الرياضية والأولمبية والذي تأتي بالشراكة مع اللجنة الأولمبية الدولية والأكاديمية الأولمبية الدولية، وذلك بحضور ما يقارب من خمسة وخمسين دارسًا ودارسة من مختلف التخصصات والخبرات الرياضية والإدارية والعلمية من داخل دولة قطر ومن خارجها يتقدمهم نخبة من الرياضيين القطريين والخليجيين، حيث التحق في هذه النسخة نجم منتخبنا الوطني لكرة القدم ونادي الوكرة عبدالكريم حسن، ويوسف بن علي نجم منتخبنا لكرة اليد ونادي الريان، وكذلك سرمد عبدالله لاعب منتخبنا للقفز المظلي، بالإضافة إلى عدد من النجوم السابقين مثل نجم الكرة العراقية السابق نشأت أكرم، ونجوم الكرة الكويتية السابقين خالد الفضلي وفهد الانصاري وأحمد مدعث وحمد العنزي، وكذلك نجم الكرة العماني السابق بدر الميمني، كما التحق في البرنامج عدد من القيادات الإدارية مثل سعود المجمد مدير المنتخبات الوطنية في دولة الكويت، وهادي اليامي رئيس نادي نجران، وحمد الدوسري المدير التنفيذي في نادي النجوم السعودي، وعبدالله الفيفي مدير العمليات والتشغيل في نادي نيوم السعودي، وغيرهم من الشخصيات الرياضية والإدارية على امتداد الخليج والوطن العربي.

20 فبراير 2025

ختام دورة "الإصابات الرياضية" بمشاركة متنوعة من الدارسين

الدوحة: ضمن إطار سلسلة الدورات التدريبية المتنوعة التي تنظمها الأكاديمية الأولمبية القطرية من خلال أجندتها الأكاديمية للعام الحالي، اختتمت الأكاديمية بنجاح دورة "الإصابات الرياضية"، التي أقيمت على مدار خمسة أيام خلال الفترة من السادس عشر ولغاية العشرين من فبراير الجاري.

6 فبراير 2025

ختام دورة التدريب الرياضي لاضطراب طيف التوحد

في خطوة تُعَدُّ الأولى من نوعها في منطقة الخليج والوطن العربي، نظمت الأكاديمية الأولمبية القطرية دورة تدريبية متخصصة بعنوان "الاستراتيجيات الفعّالة للتدريب الرياضي لاضطراب طيف التوحد"، وذلك خلال الفترة من الثاني إلى السادس من فبراير الجاري، حيث جاءت هذه الدورة استجابة للطلب المتزايد على مثل هذه البرامج المتخصصة، والتي تهدف إلى تعزيز فهم اضطراب طيف التوحد (ASD) وتطوير مهارات التدريب الرياضي للأفراد الذين يعانون من هذا الاضطراب والطرق والأساليب المثالية عن كيفية التعامل معهم، حيث سبق للأكاديمية أن نظمت في شهر نوفمبر الماضي دورة حول "دمج ذوي الإعاقة في حصص التربية البدنية"، والتي لاقت إقبالاً كبيراً من قبل المهتمين والمختصين، بناءً على ذلك قررت الأكاديمية تقديم دورة أكثر تخصصاً تركز على اضطراب طيف التوحد، مما يجعلها أول أكاديمية رياضية في المنطقة تقدم مثل هذا التخصص